Hotel in London

  • 来源:火车网
  • 点击次数:122

I searched on the internet myself and decided on the Umi hotel at Bayswater.I paid directly on the internet through their website, because GBP49 per night includes breakfast.You may also pay through some Chinese websites but breakfast may not be included.

The hotel staff turned out to be helpful.One night the electricity was cut off and I stayed in dark for 2 hours.They came up to offer me another room.I did not want to bother.

Bayswater is close to Oxford street.You may either take a tube or the bus.

One tip, don't use internet at the hotel.巨贵!I even made a complaint there.On the way toward the Bayswater station, there is a 24 hour internet Cafe, GBP1/hr, one third price of the hotel!

One big plus, the hotel offers free English newspaper.

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